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three young people carrying out A/B/N testing with their smartphones

Effective marketing strategies and compelling products are the cornerstone of any successful business. But how do you determine which version of your campaign or design delivers the best results? A/B/N testing offers a precise method to simultaneously test different options and identify the optimal solution.
In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use A/B/N testing to continuously improve your marketing strategies and products. Additionally, we’ll introduce you to useful tools that can help you make informed decisions and maximize your success.

Key Takeaways: A/B/N Testing in Market Research



What is A/B/N Testing?A/B/N Testing is an extension of classic A/B testing, where multiple variants are tested simultaneously to identify the most effective one.
BenefitsEnables faster and more efficient optimization by testing multiple variants simultaneously and provides more accurate insights into user preferences.
Use CasesFrom e-commerce to web design, digital marketing, mobile apps, content marketing, product development, and branding.
PurposesIncrease conversion rates, improve usability, enhance interaction rates, reduce bounce rates, maximize ROI, and optimize product development and brand image.
Steps to ConductGoal setting and hypothesis formation, creating variants, conducting tests and data collection, analyzing results and implementation.
Best PracticesProper selection of test variants, ensuring statistical significance, continuous testing and optimization.
ToolsTools like resonio, Google Optimize, VWO, and Adobe Target assist in conducting and optimizing A/B/N tests.

What is A/B/N Testing?

A/B/N Testing is an extension of classic A/B testing. While A/B testing compares two variants (A and B), A/B/N testing allows for multiple variants to be tested simultaneously. The “N” represents the number of additional variants. This method enables you to test and compare multiple changes at once to identify the most effective variant.

Advantages of A/B/N Testing

A/B/N testing offers numerous advantages beyond the capabilities of classic A/B testing.

More Variations, Better Optimization

One major advantage of A/B/N testing is the ability to test multiple variants simultaneously. This leads to faster and more efficient optimization since you don’t have to conduct multiple consecutive A/B tests. By testing multiple variants at once, you can quickly identify and implement the best version.

Accurate Insights into User Preferences

A/B/N testing provides more accurate insights into your users’ preferences. Since multiple variants are tested simultaneously, you can collect detailed data on which changes have the greatest impact on user behavior. This allows you to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns more effectively.

Precise A/B/N Testing with resonio

Use resonio’s powerful market research tool to test different variants of your campaigns, designs, and products simultaneously. With our comprehensive segmentation options and real-time analytics, you can make informed decisions based on the actual preferences of your target audience. Efficiently and effectively optimize your marketing strategies with resonio.

Learn More About Our Market Research Tool

Applications and Purposes of A/B/N Testing

A/B/N testing is used in many areas to optimize various elements and make informed decisions.


A/B/N testing is used in many areas to optimize various elements and make informed decisions. Some of the most common applications include:

  • E-commerce: Optimizing product pages, shopping carts, and checkout processes to increase conversion rates. For example, you can test different layouts or call-to-action buttons to see which variant generates the most sales.
  • Web Design: Testing different layouts, navigation elements, and visual designs to improve usability and user experience. You can test different color palettes, fonts, or element arrangements to find the most attractive and user-friendly design.
  • Digital Marketing: Optimizing ads, email campaigns, and landing pages to increase click and conversion rates. Here, you can test different ad texts, images, or offer formulations to determine the most effective variants.
  • Mobile Apps: Improving user interface and functionality by testing different app elements. You can test different navigation elements, feature placements, or onboarding processes to increase usage and engagement.
  • Content Marketing: Testing headlines, images, and content to increase interaction rates and time spent on the website. You can try different blog titles, article structures, or image selections to identify the most engaging content.
  • Product Development: Identifying the best product variants, designs, and features to maximize market launch success. For example, you can test different prototypes or features to see which ones are best received by users.
  • Branding and Logo Design: Testing different logo designs and brand messages to determine the most impactful and appealing options. Different color variants, fonts, or symbols can be tested to find the best logo for brand identity.


The purposes of A/B/N testing are varied and help companies optimize their strategies and actions effectively. Some of the main purposes include:

The purposes of A/B/N testing
  • Increasing Conversion Rates: By testing different variants, companies can identify the most effective version that leads to higher conversion rates. This can significantly increase revenue and profitability.
  • Improving Usability: A/B/N tests help optimize user experience by identifying the best layouts, designs, and features. A user-friendly website or app leads to more satisfied users and lower bounce rates.
  • Enhancing Interaction Rates: By testing content and elements, companies can increase user interaction with their offerings. Higher interaction rates usually mean stronger user engagement with the brand.
  • Reducing Bounce Rates: A/B/N testing allows you to identify the causes of high bounce rates and make appropriate optimizations. This can help keep users on the site longer and increase the likelihood of a purchase or registration.
  • Maximizing ROI: By targeted testing and optimization, companies can use their marketing budgets more efficiently and maximize return on investment (ROI). Effective campaigns mean fewer wasted resources and better results achieved.
  • Optimizing Product Development: A/B/N tests can be used to identify the best product variants, designs, and features, increasing the chances of success at market launch. Products developed based on user tests are more likely to meet market demands.
  • Improving Brand Image: By testing different logo designs and brand messages, companies can ensure their brand resonates well with the target audience. A strong and appealing brand image can significantly improve brand perception and loyalty.

Steps to Conducting an A/B/N Test

A structured approach is crucial to obtaining meaningful results and making informed decisions.

Goal Setting and Hypothesis Formation

The first step in conducting an A/B/N test is to define clear goals and formulate hypotheses. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with the test. Do you want to increase the conversion rate, improve user interaction, or enhance usability? Formulate one or more hypotheses you want to test, such as “Variant B will have a higher conversion rate than Variant A because it has a clearer call-to-action.”

Creating Variants

After defining your hypotheses, create the different variants you want to test. These variants should differ in the elements you want to optimize, such as headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, or layouts. Ensure each variant is distinct and clearly distinguishable to achieve valid test results.

Conducting the Test and Collecting Data

Once the variants are created, you can start the test. Distribute traffic evenly across the different variants to collect comparable data. Ensure the test runs for a sufficiently long period to obtain meaningful results. During the test, continuously collect data on the performance of each variant.

Analyzing Results and Implementation

After the test is complete, analyze the collected data. Identify the variant that achieved the best results and verify if the differences are statistically significant. This ensures the observed differences are not due to chance. Based on the results, you can implement the most successful variant and use the insights gained to further optimize your campaigns.

Best Practices for A/B/N Testing

To maximize the benefits of your A/B/N tests, follow some best practices.

Proper Selection of Test Variants

Selecting the right test variants is crucial for the success of an A/B/N test. Choose variants that represent relevant and significant changes. Small changes with little impact may not yield meaningful results. Focus on changes that have the potential to significantly influence user behavior.

Ensuring Statistical Significance

To obtain valid results, it is essential that the differences between the variants are statistically significant. This means the likelihood that the observed differences are due to chance is low. Use appropriate statistical methods and ensure the test runs for a sufficient period to collect enough data.

Continuous Testing and Optimization

A/B/N testing should be a continuous process. Even after implementing the most successful variant, continue to conduct tests to identify further optimization opportunities. The market and user needs are constantly changing, so it is important to regularly conduct new tests and adapt your strategies.

Conducting A/B/N Testing with resonio’s Survey Tool

A/B/N testing is an effective method to test different variants of a campaign or product and identify the best options. resonio offers a user-friendly tool to help you achieve precise and fast results. Here we show you how to conduct A/B/N testing with resonio, using an example of testing different logo designs.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Goal Setting and Hypothesis Formation
    Define the goals of your A/B/N test and formulate hypotheses. For our example, you want to find out which logo design appeals most to your target audience. Your hypothesis could be: “Logo C will be preferred by most participants because it represents the brand as modern and trustworthy.”
  2. Creating Survey Variants
    Use the resonio A/B/N test tool to create different survey variants. Each variant should be distinct and clearly distinguishable to obtain precise results. For the logo example, the variants could look like this:
    • Variant A shows Logo A
    • Variant B shows Logo B
    • Variant C shows Logo C
  3. Target Audience Selection
    Use resonio’s comprehensive segmentation options to define the target audience for your survey. You can filter by demographic characteristics such as age, gender, region, and other criteria. This ensures the collected data is representative of your target audience.
  4. Distributing Surveys
    Distribute the different survey variants evenly to your target audience. resonio enables easy distribution and ensures each variant reaches a similar number of survey participants. This can be achieved by randomly assigning participants to the different variants.
  5. Asking Questions
    Create clear and precise questions about the tested variants. For example:
    • Which logo do you like best?
    • Which logo looks the most professional?
    • Which logo best represents the brand?
  6. Purposes
of A/B/N testing
  7. Data Collection and Real-Time Analysis
    resonio collects the responses and analyzes the results in real-time. You can track the data in the dashboard and immediately evaluate it. The tool offers detailed survey reports in the form of analyses and visualizations to evaluate the differences between the variants and ensure the results are significant.
  8. Implementing Results
    Based on the test results, you can implement the preferred variant. resonio allows you to directly incorporate the insights gained into your campaigns or product developments to achieve the best results.

Benefits of Using resonio for A/B/N Testing

  • User-Friendliness: The intuitive interface of resonio makes it easy to create and manage surveys.
  • Comprehensive Segmentation: You can precisely define your target audience and ensure the collected data is representative.
  • Real-Time Analysis: resonio offers real-time data and detailed analyses to help you make informed decisions.
  • Quick Results: Thanks to resonio’s large and active user base, you quickly get responses to your surveys.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: resonio offers a cost-effective solution for A/B/N testing that delivers high-quality data.

By using resonio for A/B/N testing, you can effectively optimize your campaigns and products and make informed decisions based on the actual preferences of your target audience.

Other Useful Tools and Platforms for A/B/N Testing

In addition to the resonio A/B and A/B/N test tool, there are other useful tools and platforms that can help you conduct A/B/N tests. Here are some of them and their specific applications:

  • GA4: For A/B and A/B/N tests in Google Analytics, you need to integrate a third-party tool. You can then evaluate the corresponding results in Google Analytics. More information can be found at [GA4] Integrate Third-Party Testing Tools.
  • VWO (Visual Website Optimizer): A comprehensive A/B testing tool that is easy to use and provides detailed reports on the performance of your tests. It is excellent for testing e-commerce sites, landing pages, and various conversion elements.
  • Adobe Target: A tool for optimizing and personalizing digital experiences that offers advanced testing and segmentation features. Adobe Target is often used for personalized marketing campaigns, detailed customer analyses, and content optimization.

These tools offer versatile options for testing and optimizing various elements of your digital presence. The choice of the right tool strongly depends on the specific aspects you want to test – whether it’s visual designs, user interactions, or ad campaigns.


A/B/N testing is a valuable method to test different variants of a campaign, product, or design and identify the best options. By simultaneously testing multiple variants, you can quickly and efficiently make optimizations and gain detailed insights into user preferences. resonio offers a user-friendly market research tool to conduct A/B/N tests and make informed decisions. In addition, there are other useful tools like Google (only via third-party), VWO, and Adobe Target, which can help you optimize your digital experiences. The key to success lies in clear goal setting, proper selection of test variants, and continuous testing to continually improve your strategies.

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Ines Maione


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Ines Maione brings a wealth of experience from over 25 years as a Marketing Manager Communications in various industries. The best thing about the job is that it is both business management and creative. And it never gets boring, because with the rapid evolution of the media used and the development of marketing tools, you always have to stay up to date.