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Conduct a product survey

Product surveys are an essential tool for gaining valuable insights into the needs, preferences, and desires of your target audience. They enable businesses to make informed decisions about product development, pricing strategies, and market launches. A well-designed product survey can help identify weaknesses early and provide valuable feedback on how to improve a product, ultimately boosting its success in the market. However, to achieve these results, product surveys must be carefully crafted and targeted.

In this post, we will showcase the best practices for conducting a successful product survey and how to gather meaningful responses that will help drive your business forward.

Key Takeaways: Product Surveys



What is a product survey?A targeted market research method to gather consumer feedback on product ideas, features, or pricing, which is used in product development.
Question TypesA combination of open-ended, closed-ended, scale, and multiple-choice questions to collect both qualitative and quantitative data.
Survey LengthShorter surveys result in higher response rates and higher-quality answers.
Neutrality of QuestionsNeutral phrasing is key to ensuring objective and unbiased responses.
Mobile-FriendlinessOptimizing the survey for mobile devices is essential to avoid drop-offs and ensure a smooth user experience.
Examples from PracticeProduct surveys across different industries provide valuable feedback for product development, such as in electronics, food, and fashion.
Surveys with resonioresonio offers flexible templates and custom surveys for quick results and data-driven product decisions.

What is a Product Survey?

A product survey is a targeted market research tool used to gather consumer opinions, preferences, and expectations regarding a product. It helps collect valuable feedback on the product idea, specific features, or pricing strategies. A well-designed product feedback survey provides companies with critical data to better align their products with the needs of their target audience.

Product surveys are especially crucial in product development and improvement. They allow early customer feedback to be incorporated into the development process, helping to avoid costly missteps and optimize products effectively. Companies that regularly use product surveys gain a clear competitive advantage by offering products that truly meet the needs of their users.

Optimize Your Product Surveys with resonio

Take advantage of resonio’s user-friendly tools to create targeted product surveys and gain valuable insights. With resonio, you can design and customize your product surveys quickly and efficiently to meet your target audience’s needs. Optimize your product research and make data-driven decisions for your product’s success.

Learn more about resonio for Product Research

Choosing the Right Question Types

Choosing the right types of product survey questions is critical to the success of a product survey. Particularly in product feedback surveys, combining open-ended and closed-ended questions allows you to gather both detailed qualitative insights and easily analyzable quantitative data.

  • Open-ended Questions

    Open-ended questions allow participants to respond freely, providing detailed opinions or experiences. These are especially useful for gathering deep insights into product use or improvement suggestions.


    “What features do you think are missing from our new smartphone?”

    Such questions provide valuable qualitative data that can help uncover weaknesses or areas for improvement. However, analyzing the responses is more time-consuming as it requires manual review.

  • Closed-ended Questions

    Closed-ended questions provide predefined answer options, making analysis simpler. These questions are ideal for capturing structured opinions from respondents.

    Example of a closed-ended question:

    “How satisfied are you with the battery life of our new smartphone?”

    (Answer options: Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Unsatisfied, Very unsatisfied)

    These types of product survey questions quickly yield comparable data that can be directly applied to product development.

  • Scale Questions

    Scale questions (e.g., Likert scale) allow respondents to rate their opinions on a scale, which is particularly useful in product surveys for measuring the intensity of preferences or dislikes.


    “To what extent do you agree with the statement: ‘The design of our new smartphone is user-friendly.’”

    (Answer options from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”)

    This type of question provides a clear picture of how well certain product attributes are received by users.

  • Multiple-choice Questions

    Multiple-choice questions allow respondents to choose from several predefined options. These are especially helpful in determining preferences for specific product features or characteristics.


    “Which of these features is most important to you in a smartphone?”

    (Answer options: Long battery life, High-resolution camera, Large storage capacity, Fast charging)

    These questions help you understand the preferences of your target audience and adjust your product accordingly.

In product surveys, combining these types of product survey questions is key, as it allows you to understand both the “why” behind responses and to gather measurable, actionable data that can directly influence the development process.

Keep the Survey Short and Concise

When it comes to product surveys, keeping the questionnaire short and concise is essential. Participants’ attention spans are often limited, and a lengthy or overloaded product feedback survey can quickly lead to drop-offs. To obtain as many complete and high-quality responses as possible, the survey should be limited to the most essential questions.

Why Shorter Product Surveys Lead to Better Response Rates

Survey participants are more likely to complete a product survey if they know it will only take a few minutes of their time. Conversely, an overly long survey can cause participants to lose motivation and abandon the survey. This not only leads to incomplete responses but can also distort the data collected, as only highly engaged users tend to finish the survey.

Tips to Avoid Overloading and Survey Fatigue in Product Surveys

  1. Focus on Core Questions:

    Ask only for information that is truly needed for your product development or improvement. Avoid redundant questions that do not directly contribute to product feedback.

    If you are improving the user interface, focus on questions about usability and design rather than general customer satisfaction questions.

  2. One Topic Per Question:

    Make sure each question focuses on one topic only. Avoid complex or double-barreled questions, as they can confuse participants and reduce the quality of responses.

    Instead of asking, “How satisfied are you with the design and functionality of our product?” consider splitting it into two questions: “How satisfied are you with the design of our product?” and “How satisfied are you with the functionality of our product?”

  3. Use Multiple-choice and Scale Questions:

    These types of questions are easy to understand and quick to answer. They reduce the cognitive load on participants and speed up the survey process.

    A scale question like “How would you rate the battery life of our product on a scale of 1 to 5?” is quicker to answer than an open-ended question on the same topic.

  4. Test the Survey:

    Before launching your product survey, conduct a pilot study to ensure it is neither too long nor too complex. This helps improve the participant experience and maximizes response rates.

By keeping your product survey concise and well-structured, you’ll not only receive more responses but also higher-quality data that can be directly integrated into your product development process.

Maintain Neutrality in the Questions

In product surveys, it is crucial to maintain the neutrality of the questions to ensure objective and unbiased responses from participants. Leading questions that subtly push respondents toward a specific answer can skew the results and diminish the true value of the survey. Only through neutral, impartial questions will you receive honest feedback that helps you truly improve your product.

Avoid Leading Questions

Leading questions are problematic because they subtly suggest an answer to the respondent, which may not accurately reflect their true opinion. In product surveys, this can result in approval of a product feature that consumers may not actually like, leading to incorrect assumptions and potentially costly missteps.

Examples of Neutral vs. Leading Product Survey Questions

  1. Leading Question:

    “How much did you like the user-friendly design of our new smartphone?”
    This question assumes the design is perceived as user-friendly and influences the respondent’s answer.

    Neutral Question:

    “How would you rate the design of our new smartphone?”
    This phrasing allows the respondent to evaluate the design both positively or negatively without imposing a judgment.

  2. Leading Question:

    “Don’t you agree that our new product feature is very useful?”
    This question leads the respondent toward a positive response and may cause them to overlook potential downsides of the feature.

    Neutral Question:

    “How useful do you find the new product feature?”
    This question is neutrally phrased and allows the respondent to provide both positive and negative feedback.

  3. Leading Question:

    “Don’t you think our product is priced fairly?”
    This question suggests the price is already considered fair and may prevent respondents from sharing their true opinion.

    Neutral Question:

    “How would you rate the price-performance ratio of our product?”
    This question allows participants to freely express their views on the price without being led in a specific direction.

Why Neutrality is Critical in Product Surveys

Neutral phrasing is essential for capturing the true opinions of respondents. Only through neutral product feedback survey questions can you gain honest and valuable insights into how your product is perceived and accepted. In product development, where customer feedback directly influences optimization, it’s crucial to avoid premature conclusions based on biased survey data.

By using neutral questions, you will collect objective data that helps you refine your product to better meet the actual needs of consumers.

Consider Mobile Users When Creating Product Surveys

As more and more people use smartphones and tablets daily, the number of respondents completing surveys on mobile devices is also increasing. This trend is especially evident in product surveys, as many participants appreciate the flexibility of answering surveys on the go. To maintain high participation rates and gather valuable responses, it is crucial that product surveys are optimized for mobile devices. A survey that is not mobile-friendly can frustrate participants and lead to high drop-off rates.

Growing Importance of Mobile-Friendly Product Surveys

As more users take product surveys on their smartphones, they expect the same user-friendly experience as on a desktop. A product survey that is not optimized for mobile devices can become frustrating with slow loading times, difficult-to-read text, or unclear question formats. Especially in product feedback surveys, where users’ opinions on design, usability, or specific product features are being gathered, poor mobile experiences can skew the results. The quality of the responses largely depends on how comfortable participants feel while completing the survey.

Best Practices for Optimizing Product Surveys for Mobile Devices

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your product surveys achieve high response rates on mobile devices and collect valid, meaningful data. Mobile-friendly surveys allow you to reach a broader audience and ensure that all target groups – whether on desktop or mobile – have a positive survey experience.

  1. Simple, Responsive Design:

    Ensure your product survey displays well across different screen sizes. A responsive design adjusts automatically to the user’s device, ensuring all content is easily accessible.

    Ensure that buttons are large enough to be easily clicked on smaller smartphone screens.

  2. Short and Concise Questions:

    On mobile devices, participants tend to navigate through surveys more quickly. Keep your product survey questions short and to the point to avoid frustration.

    Avoid complex blocks of questions and instead use simple multiple-choice or Likert-scale questions to gather quick feedback.

  3. Avoid Long Text Passages:

    Long explanations or extensive answer options are difficult to read on small screens and can lead to survey fatigue. Instead, reduce text blocks and focus on the essentials.

    Rather than providing a lengthy explanation of why a specific feature is being tested, ask the question directly: “How would you rate the battery life of our new smartphone?”

  4. Minimize the Number of Pages and Clicks:

    Each additional click or new page increases the likelihood of participants dropping out. Try to display all relevant questions on as few pages as possible without sacrificing clarity.

    In a survey about a new product feature, you could group several questions on one page rather than loading a new page for each question.

  5. Conduct Mobile Tests:

    Before launching your product survey, ensure it has been tested on various mobile devices. Check that the survey displays correctly and is easy to navigate on both iOS and Android devices.

Conducting Product Surveys: Practical Examples

Product surveys can be successfully used in a wide range of industries to gather valuable feedback from consumers. Here are two fictional examples that illustrate how companies in different sectors were able to improve their products through targeted surveys:

1. Example: Electronics Industry – Smartphone Functionality

A smartphone manufacturer wanted to determine which new features were most important to its target audience in order to incorporate them into the next product generation. Through a targeted product survey of existing and potential customers, the company asked about the relevance of several planned features, such as improved battery life, enhanced camera options, and a faster processor.


The product feedback survey revealed that the majority of respondents viewed significantly longer battery life as the most important feature, while camera functions were less important for many. Based on these results, the manufacturer decided to prioritize battery optimization and adjust other features according to user preferences. This not only led to a more successful product launch but also to higher customer satisfaction.

2. Example: Food Industry – New Flavor of a Product

A major food manufacturer planned to introduce a new flavor for its popular snack brand. Before launching the new variant to the market, the company conducted a product survey to better understand the preferences of its target audience. The survey included questions about preferred flavors and the associations consumers had with different aromas.


The survey showed that the originally planned flavor was less popular than expected, while an unexpected favorite – a combination of sweet and salty – was rated much higher. The company decided to revise the new flavor and launch the preferred version, leading to a successful product launch.

3. Example: Fashion Industry – Product Design and Materials

A fashion company specializing in sustainable clothing wanted to know which materials and designs were most appealing to environmentally conscious customers. A product survey was conducted with questions about the perception of different sustainable materials as well as preferred colors and cuts.


The survey found that consumers placed a high value on recycled materials, but other aspects of sustainability that the company had initially focused on were less important. With this feedback, the company was able to adjust its design and material choices to better meet customer preferences, ultimately increasing engagement and sales.

What Companies Can Learn from These Product Survey Examples

These fictional examples highlight the importance of incorporating consumer feedback early in the product development process. Product surveys allow businesses to identify potential issues before a product hits the market and gain a deeper understanding of the desires and needs of their target audience. By adapting products based on concrete customer feedback, companies not only improve their chances of success in the marketplace but also enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Conducting Product Surveys with resonio

resonio offers a user-friendly platform that helps businesses quickly and efficiently create product surveys and gather valuable feedback from a global audience. Whether you are testing a new product or improving existing ones, resonio provides flexible product survey tools to meet your needs.

Three Pre-Built Product Survey Templates for Quick Implementation

resonio offers a range of pre-built survey templates that enable you to quickly and efficiently gather important information about your product. These templates cover the most common requirements and deliver valuable data for informed decisions.

Product survey templates at resonio
  1. Testing Your Product Concept:

    This template is ideal for gathering early feedback on a new product concept. With this survey, you can test how well your target audience understands your concept, what first impressions it gives, and whether it has the potential to succeed.

    Collect real-time feedback to optimize the product before launch.

  2. Testing Your Product Price (PSM) – Van Westendorp Method:

    With this template, you can assess how price-sensitive your consumers are. The Price Sensitivity Meter (PSM) gives you an overview of the price range your consumers are willing to pay for your product and when it is considered too expensive or too cheap.

    Determine the optimal price range to maximize market demand.

  3. Testing Your Product Price:

    This template helps you determine the exact price consumers are willing to pay for your product. This survey type provides clear insights into whether your product is priced too high or too low and how this might impact sales.

    Find the ideal selling price that reflects your product’s value and meets customer expectations.

Flexibility Through Custom Product Surveys

In addition to pre-built templates, resonio also allows you to fully customize your surveys to meet your specific needs. You can create product survey questions from scratch and choose from a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, Likert scales, open-ended questions, and more. This flexibility is especially useful when testing very specific aspects of your product or when none of the pre-built surveys precisely fit your requirements.

Whether you’re testing a new product or determining the optimal price, resonio provides the right tools and a flexible platform for conducting tailored product surveys. With access to a global community and fast results, you can make confident, data-driven product decisions.

Analyzing and Utilizing Product Survey Results

Once your product survey is complete, the critical step begins: analyzing the collected data. With resonio, this analysis is conducted in real-time, allowing you to respond immediately to the results and make necessary adjustments quickly. To fully harness the potential of the survey results, it is important to follow a structured approach.

1. Analyze Results Strategically

Focus on the key questions you aimed to answer with your product survey. Use filtering functions to analyze specific segments of your target audience. For example, you can see how different age groups or geographic regions respond to your product.

If you tested different versions of a product, analyze the responses by demographics like gender or age to determine which version resonates best with each group.

2. Identify Patterns and Trends

A significant advantage of product surveys is that they not only capture individual opinions but also reveal overarching patterns and trends. Look for recurring themes in the responses, such as frequently mentioned suggestions for improvement or particularly praised product features.

If a majority of participants suggest longer battery life as the main improvement, you should prioritize this aspect in further product development.

3. Visualize the Data

resonio provides graphical representations of the results, making it easy for you to interpret and share them with your team. These visualizations not only simplify analysis but also enhance internal communication with your product team or other stakeholders.

A bar chart comparing the popularity of various product features gives you instant insight into which features are most favored by your customers.

Product survey example result as a bar chart

4. Derive Actionable Decisions

The collected data should directly inform your product development. Use the results to enhance products, add new features, or adjust the price. Key feedback from the survey should lead to concrete actions that align your products with the needs and preferences of your target audience.

If the survey indicates that customers are willing to pay more for a premium version of your product, this could serve as a foundation for developing a premium product line.

5. Long-Term Impact of Product Survey Results

To maximize the impact of your product surveys, it’s important to use the results not only for one-off decisions but also as part of your long-term product strategy. Recurring product surveys can provide you with continuous feedback, helping you stay attuned to evolving market needs and adjust your product offerings accordingly.

By conducting regular product surveys, you’ll receive ongoing feedback that helps you identify trends early and proactively improve your products.


A well-thought-out product survey is a powerful tool for gaining valuable insights into the needs and preferences of your target audience. Whether you are developing a new product, optimizing existing ones, or adjusting pricing, the results of a carefully designed product feedback survey will provide you with the data you need for informed decisions.

Best practices such as clear goals, choosing the right question types, keeping the survey concise, and considering mobile users will ensure that your product survey delivers meaningful results. Using neutral questions ensures that the responses are objective and provide real insights into market expectations.

With resonio, you also have a powerful tool that not only simplifies the creation of product surveys but also delivers fast results and detailed analyses. The ability to choose between pre-built templates and fully customized surveys allows you to perfectly match your specific requirements.

Ultimately, the data you collect will help you align your products with the actual needs and desires of your customers, strengthening your market position. By utilizing the insights gained, you will not only increase customer satisfaction but also improve the success of your product.

FAQ about Product Surveys

What is a product survey?

A product survey is a targeted market research tool that companies use to gather opinions, preferences, and expectations from consumers about a product. It helps collect valuable feedback on product ideas, specific features, or pricing.

How do I conduct a product survey?

To conduct a successful product survey, you should set clear goals, select the right audience, ask neutral product survey questions, and keep the survey short. With tools like resonio, you can easily create surveys, distribute them to your target audience, and analyze results in real-time.

What are the benefits of a product survey?

Product surveys offer companies the opportunity to receive direct feedback from consumers, identify weaknesses early on, and adjust products to better meet the needs of their target audience. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and improved product launches.

How can I create a product survey with resonio?

With resonio, you can easily create a product survey. You can choose from pre-designed templates like 'Product Concept Test' and 'Product Price Test,' or you can design a survey entirely based on your specific needs.

How long should a product survey be?

A product survey should be kept short and concise to avoid high dropout rates. Ideally, it should not take longer than 10-15 minutes. Relevant and focused product survey questions increase the likelihood that participants will complete the survey.

Product Surveys with resonio Create targeted product surveys and gain valuable insights with resonio's flexible survey tool. Learn more about our product research tool
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Ines Maione


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Ines Maione brings a wealth of experience from over 25 years as a Marketing Manager Communications in various industries. The best thing about the job is that it is both business management and creative. And it never gets boring, because with the rapid evolution of the media used and the development of marketing tools, you always have to stay up to date.