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two people are travelling sustainably while hiking

Sustainability is a topic that is gaining increasing importance in many areas of life, including travel behaviour. But how important is sustainable travel to Brits? This question was the focus of a recent survey examining travel habits and preferences in the UK. The aim was to find out whether British travellers consider environmental aspects when planning and booking their trips and which factors are crucial for them. In this blog post, we present the survey results and provide insights into the role of sustainability for British travellers and the measures they take to reduce their ecological footprint.

The Importance of Sustainable Travel

Sustainable travel, often referred to as responsible or eco-friendly travel, includes practices aimed at minimising negative environmental impacts and maximising positive effects for local communities. This includes the conscious use of natural resources, reduction of CO2 emissions, support for local economies, and preservation of cultural sites. This form of travel considers the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own travel needs.

Benefits for the Environment and Society

With the steady increase in global tourism, the need for sustainable travel practices becomes more urgent. Every year, more people choose long-haul trips, which increases environmental stress, particularly through rising CO2 emissions from air travel. Sustainable travel offers a solution to mitigate these impacts. By using eco-friendly means such as public transport, bicycles, or walking, travellers can reduce their ecological footprint.

In addition, sustainable travel brings significant benefits to society. It supports local economies by promoting small, locally-run businesses and contributes to the preservation of cultural and historical sites. Travellers who opt for sustainable options can also develop deeper connections with the places they visit and their inhabitants, leading to a more respectful and conscious travel experience. This holistic approach not only provides immediate benefits but also contributes to the long-term preservation and promotion of the diversity and integrity of our world.

The Role of Market Research in the Tourism Industry Regarding Sustainable Travel

Market research is an indispensable tool for the tourism industry to understand the complex and diverse behaviour of travellers, especially concerning sustainable travel. An increasing number of travellers value eco-friendly and ethically responsible travel options. This target group actively seeks sustainable accommodations, prefers public transport, or offsets the CO2 emissions of their travels. Market research helps identify these preferences and understand how offerings can be designed to better appeal to these customers.

At the same time, there is also a significant group of travellers for whom sustainability is less important. Market research can uncover why these travellers do not prioritise sustainable options, whether due to higher costs, lack of availability, or lower awareness of environmental impacts. These insights are valuable for identifying barriers and developing strategies that both improve information and offer attractive, sustainable options that are cost-effective and easily accessible.

Moreover, market research shows which channels different target groups use to gather information and book their trips. For the tourism industry, this means that targeted and differentiated communication is required, addressing both environmentally conscious travellers and those who have so far placed less value on sustainability.

Overall, market research enables the tourism industry to make informed decisions, develop tailored offerings, and communicate them through the right channels. It helps to harness the potential of sustainable travel while reaching a broader audience. This not only strengthens the market position of companies but also contributes to a more sustainable future for tourism.

resonio Survey: “Sustainable Travel Behaviour in the UK”

This study on sustainable travel behaviour in the UK was conducted using our efficient market research tool resonio to investigate the attitudes and preferences of Brits regarding sustainable travel in detail. We utilised our extensive and verified participant pool, which ensures broad demographic coverage, to guarantee the accuracy of the collected data.

To maximise the relevance and precision of the survey results, we included specific logics that showed participants different questions depending on their response to the question “How important is sustainability to you when choosing and booking your trips?” Those who considered sustainability important were asked detailed questions about sustainable practices and preferences, while participants who considered sustainability less important were asked about the reasons for their stance. This allowed us to gather relevant information from different participant groups in a targeted manner.

Survey Structure and Methodology

  • Number of Participants and Demographic Segmentation:
    100 participants from the resonio survey participant pool in the UK
  • Sustainable Travel Behaviour Study - Demographics
  • Questionnaire Design:
    The questionnaire was created using resonio’s user-friendly online survey tool, allowing for easy and quick design via drag & drop.
  • Logics:
    To present participants with relevant questions only, logics were used. For example, those who rated sustainability as important received specific questions about their preferences and sustainable behaviour, while other participants who placed less importance on the topic were asked alternative questions. This method ensured precise data collection and relevant results.
  • Duration:
    The survey, in which 100 participants took part, was fully completed within 55 minutes.
  • The Questionnaire for the Online Survey:
    The survey included questions about travel habits, the importance of sustainability in travel, and the specific measures travellers take to minimise their ecological footprint.

The results of this survey provide valuable insights into the behaviour and attitudes of British travellers towards sustainable travel. These insights are particularly relevant for the tourism industry to develop targeted offers and marketing strategies that address the growing trend towards sustainable travel.

In the following sections, the key findings of the study are analysed in detail. These results shed light on how British travellers perceive sustainable travel options and what factors influence their decisions.


Our comprehensive survey provides valuable insights into the travel behaviour of Brits, particularly concerning the importance of sustainability in travel choices. The results not only provide an overview of preferred booking channels and information sources but also the attitude towards sustainable travel options.


Questions for All Participants

Type of Travel: Package vs. Individual

Popular Types of Travel in the UK

When asked about their preferred type of travel, the survey revealed that 49% of respondents exclusively or predominantly prefer individual trips, as they appreciate individual planning and flexibility. A mix of package and individual trips is chosen by 36% of the participants, indicating a flexible approach to travel planning. In contrast, only 15% of respondents predominantly opt for package holidays, indicating a lower preference for fully organised travel offers.

Booking Behaviour: Where Are Trips Booked?

Most Popular Travel Booking Channels

The survey showed that most participants book their trips through the following channels:

  • Online travel portals (e.g., Booking.com, Expedia): 87%
  • Directly on airline or hotel websites: 65%
  • Local travel agencies: 11%

This highlights the preference for digital booking platforms, while traditional travel agencies still play a role.

Preferred Modes of Transport: What Transport Means Are Used

Popular Travel Transport Modes

Another important aspect of the survey concerned the preferred means of transportation among participants. Various options were offered, and participants could select their favorites:

  • Airplane: 69%
    The majority of respondents prefer to travel by airplane, with 69 participants indicating this as their preferred mode of transportation. This highlights the popularity of air travel, likely due to its speed and convenience for long-distance trips.
  • Train: 43%
    Train travel was the second most preferred option, chosen by 43 participants. Trains are often seen as a comfortable and environmentally friendly alternative, especially for regional and intercity travel.
  • Car: 32%
    Traveling by car was preferred by 32 participants, making it a popular choice for its flexibility and the ability to reach destinations that may not be easily accessible by other means.
  • Long Distance Bus: 10%
    Long-distance buses were chosen by 10 participants. This mode of transport is often valued for its cost-effectiveness, although it is less preferred compared to trains and airplanes.
  • Bicycle or E-bike: 3%
    Only 3 participants preferred to travel by bicycle or e-bike, highlighting that while this is a highly sustainable option, it is less practical for longer journeys.
  • No Preferences: 6%
    6 participants indicated that they have no particular preference for any mode of transportation, suggesting flexibility and adaptability in their travel choices.

Interestingly, even among those who later indicated that sustainable travel is important to very important to them, airplanes and cars were still the most popular transportation choices. This suggests that while sustainability is a significant consideration, convenience and practicality also play a crucial role in transportation preferences.

These results illustrate the diverse preferences among travellers when it comes to transportation. Understanding these preferences can help the travel industry better cater to the needs and desires of its customers by offering a mix of options that balance convenience, cost, and sustainability.

The Importance of Sustainable Travel in Planning and Booking

Importance of Sustainable Travel

A central question of the survey was how important sustainability is to respondents when choosing and booking their trips:

  • Very important (1): 19% of the participants place great value on sustainable practices.
  • Important (2): 33% consider sustainability an important aspect of travel planning.
  • Less important (3): 32% attach less importance to sustainability.
  • Unimportant (4): 16% do not consider sustainability at all.

These figures illustrate that sustainability is important for a very slim majority of travellers, while 48% of respondents give this aspect less importance. This shows that while there is a growing awareness of sustainable travel, a significant group of travellers prioritises other factors like price and comfort. Therefore, it remains both a challenge and an opportunity for the travel industry to make sustainable offerings more attractive and to highlight their benefits.

Through another question to those who rated sustainability as important or very important, it was found that almost all would be willing to pay more for sustainable travel options. 33% indicated that they would pay up to 5% more, almost 16% would pay 10% and another 16% even 20% more.


Questions for Participants Who Consider Sustainable Travel Important to Very Important

Information Sources for Sustainable Travel Offers

Sustainable Travel Information Sources

Among the participants who indicated that sustainable travel is important or very important to them, many use various sources to gather information:

  • Travel providers’ websites: 30% of respondents research sustainable options directly on the travel providers’ websites.
  • Travel blogs and magazines: 22% obtain their information from travel blogs and magazines.
  • Social media and online forums: 16% use social media and online forums to learn about sustainable travel offers.
  • Reviews from other travellers on travel portals: 15% rely on the reviews and experiences of other travellers on relevant travel portals.

These results show that travellers who value sustainability use a wide range of information sources. Especially the travel providers’ websites play a central role, highlighting the importance of transparent communication about sustainable offerings.

Preferred Sustainable Practices in Accommodations

Sustainability in Accommodations

When asked about the most important sustainable practices in accommodations, participants could select multiple options. The distribution of responses shows a clear preference for certain eco-friendly measures:

  • Waste reduction and recycling are the most important, making up 24.41% of the distribution.
  • The use of renewable energy makes up 20.47% of the distribution.
  • The use of eco-friendly products such as biodegradable toiletries makes up 17.32% of the distribution.
  • Energy-efficient lighting and devices make up 14.17% of the distribution.
  • Offering regional and organic food makes up 8.66% of the distribution.
  • The promotion of gentle tourism, like supporting local environmental projects, makes up 8.66% of the distribution.
  • Water-saving measures make up 4.72% of the distribution.
  • Environmental certifications such as Green Key or the EU Ecolabel make up 1.57% of the distribution.

These results show that travellers who care about sustainability value a wide range of eco-friendly practices. Waste reduction, the use of renewable energies, and the use of eco-friendly product are particularly prominent. It is therefore important for the travel industry to consider these priorities and develop corresponding offers to appeal to environmentally conscious travellers.


Questions for Participants Who Consider Sustainable Travel Less Important to Unimportant

Reasons for the Lesser Importance of Sustainability

Reasons Against Sustainable Travel

Among the participants who consider sustainability less important when choosing and booking their trips, various main reasons were given. These reasons provide insight into why some travellers may not prioritise sustainable options:

  • Other aspects are more important (e.g., comfort, price, accessibility): 23.75%
    A significant number of respondents place more value on factors such as comfort, price, and accessibility. These aspects are often seen as crucial for the travel decision, which can lead to sustainable offers taking a back seat. This shows that many travellers primarily consider practical and financial considerations.
  • Sustainable travel is too expensive: 22.5%
    Price is a major factor making sustainable travel less attractive. For many respondents, the costs of sustainable travel options are a hindrance. This underscores the need to offer competitive prices and possibly create financial incentives to make eco-friendly options more attractive.
  • There are hardly any offers: 16.25%
    A significant number of respondents feel that there are not enough sustainable travel options available. This highlights the need for the travel industry to increase the availability and visibility of eco-friendly choices.
  • General doubts about the authenticity of sustainable offers: 15%
    A smaller proportion of respondents expressed doubts about the authenticity of sustainable offers. This suggests that there are concerns about greenwashing or the actual implementation of sustainable practices. To gain travellers’ trust, travel providers must communicate sustainable measures transparently and demonstrably.
  • Individuals have no impact: 13.75%
    Some participants feel powerless about the impact of their actions. They believe that their individual decisions do not have a significant impact on the environment. This view could be changed through education and emphasising the cumulative effect of many small actions in the mass. It is important to convey to travellers that every sustainable decision counts and can be part of a larger collective effort.

These reasons reflect the challenges faced by the travel industry in making sustainable travel offers more attractive. It is important to address these concerns to attract more travellers to sustainable options. This includes highlighting the practical and financial benefits of sustainable travel, providing transparent information, and ensuring that eco-friendly options are not only accessible but also credible and authentic.

Conclusion on the Survey on Sustainable Travel

The survey clearly shows that sustainability plays an important role for a considerable number of British travellers. A significant proportion of respondents consider ecological aspects in their travel planning and are even willing to pay higher costs for eco-friendly options. This underscores the growing awareness and willingness to take responsibility for one’s ecological footprint.

At the same time, the survey also reveals that a large group of travellers considers sustainability less important. Here, factors such as price and comfort are often decisive. This insight presents the travel industry with the challenge of not only making sustainable offers more attractive but also clearly communicating the benefits of these options. By providing education and promoting transparent information, doubts about the authenticity of sustainable practices can be dispelled.

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Understanding the Travel Behaviour of Brits with resonio Gain valuable insights into the preferences and habits of British travellers. Use resonio to make informed decisions for your travel offerings and marketing strategies. Learn more about the market research tool
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Ines Maione


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Ines Maione brings a wealth of experience from over 25 years as a Marketing Manager Communications in various industries. The best thing about the job is that it is both business management and creative. And it never gets boring, because with the rapid evolution of the media used and the development of marketing tools, you always have to stay up to date.