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TV viewing behavior in the USA

Television, once the primary medium for evening entertainment, has undergone a massive transformation in recent years. Traditional TV habits are changing rapidly, with linear television losing ground to streaming services that offer flexibility, convenience, and a vast array of exclusive content. This shift is especially pronounced in the United States, which has been a pioneer in the adoption of streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+.

Streaming on the Rise

In the US, streaming has firmly replaced linear television in many households. Platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu dominate the market, offering content that is accessible anytime, anywhere, and on-demand. This trend has become increasingly prominent in the US, where viewers have grown accustomed to watching their favorite shows and movies whenever and wherever they want. The ability to choose what to watch, free from the constraints of traditional TV schedules, is one of the major advantages of streaming.

The rise in subscriptions to streaming platforms is driven by several factors: a wider selection of content, competitive pricing, and the ability to use multiple devices simultaneously. Younger viewers, in particular, who have grown up with digital media, prefer streaming to traditional television.

Impact on the Advertising Industry

This shift in consumption habits presents both challenges and opportunities for advertisers. Traditional linear television, once the go-to medium for mass advertising, is losing its ability to reach younger audiences. In contrast, streaming services offer new, targeted advertising opportunities tailored to users’ interests and behaviors.

Through the use of algorithms and data analysis, streaming services can deliver personalized ads that are highly relevant to individual viewers. This type of targeted advertising promises higher effectiveness, as it reaches viewers in a more meaningful context. At the same time, advertisers face the challenge of creating ads that don’t feel intrusive – a common issue with traditional TV commercials.

However, many viewers prefer paid subscriptions without ads, forcing advertisers to find creative solutions to stay visible in these ad-free environments, such as product placements or exclusive ad deals.

resonio Survey: “TV Viewing Habits: Linear TV vs. Streaming”

To better understand this shift in TV viewing habits, we conducted a focused survey through our research tool, “resonio.” We surveyed 100 people in the US between the ages of 18 and 50. This demographic was intentionally selected to examine which TV habits are shaping the future and how the use of linear TV and streaming services may evolve in the coming years. Respondents who did not watch any TV were excluded through a screening question.

Survey Structure and Methodology

The survey was based on a structured questionnaire that collected both quantitative and qualitative data. After indicating whether they primarily used linear TV or streaming services, respondents were directed to further questions tailored to their viewing habits. This approach allowed us to capture the preferences and opinions of both linear TV and streaming users, enabling a detailed analysis of both groups.

Survey Participants:
The survey was conducted twice:

  • 100 survey participants from the resonio survey panel in the US
    (We present the results of the US survey in this article), and
  • 100 participants from our pool in Germany
    (The results of the German survey can be found in the DE version of this post).
Study Television behavior Demographics


Demographic Data:
Participants represented a diverse sample from various regions of the United States, ensuring a representative snapshot of the target audience.

Survey Design:
The questionnaire was created using the resonio survey tool, allowing for quick customization and question branching through its drag-and-drop functionality. Respondents who primarily watched linear TV were asked specific questions, as were those who mainly used streaming services.

The survey, which included 200 participants across both countries, was completed within a few hours. Participants could complete the survey online using various devices.

The online survey questionnaire:

Survey Results and Analysis: Linear TV vs. Streaming

The survey results offer fascinating insights into current viewing preferences in the US. Notably, the questions on the preference for linear TV versus streaming services and attitudes towards advertising provide important takeaways for advertisers and media companies.

TV Consumption: How Many Hours Do Viewers Spend Watching TV?

Study Television behavior Watching hours per week

Based on the survey results, there is no overwhelming majority, but we can summarize that the majority of respondents tend to either watch a moderate amount of television (4-6 hours) or a significant amount (16 hours or more) per week, with both categories equally represented at 22% each. This suggests that TV viewing habits in the US vary widely, with no single dominant trend.

Viewing Behavior: Linear TV vs. Streaming

Study Television behavior Linear vs Streaming

The survey reveals that 80% of respondents prefer streaming services as their primary media consumption method, while 20% still primarily watch linear TV. A significant portion, 39%, use streaming services only.

    Reasons for watching linear TV

    The majority of respondents (40%) who prefer linear TV cite its convenience for staying up to date with current events, such as sports and news, as well as the variety of programs available. Additionally, some value the simplicity of not needing to search for specific content, while a few watch out of habit or for educational content.

    Reasons for using streaming services
  • Streaming, however, is preferred due to its flexibility, wide content selection, and the binge-watching option.

The Impact of Advertising on Viewing Behavior

The question of how advertising influences viewing behavior was asked of both linear TV and streaming users, revealing significant differences in their responses.

Linear TV

Study Advertising watching behavior linearen TV

Among those who primarily use or prefer linear TV, the following behaviors were observed:

  • 40% of respondents use ad breaks for other activities, such as checking their phones or preparing snacks.
  • 35% change the channel when ads start.
  • Only 15% reported that ads had no influence on their viewing behavior.

These findings suggest that traditional advertising methods in linear TV are becoming less effective, as viewers either get distracted or switch channels to avoid ads.

Streaming Services

Advertising watching behavior TV Streaming

For streaming users, there is little engagement with ads, primarily because most streaming users pay for ad-free subscriptions, making the relevance of ads in this area minimal.

These insights show that traditional advertising is often perceived as disruptive by many linear TV viewers, while streaming users consciously opt for an ad-free experience.

Which Channels Are Watched?

The survey also highlights which channels are primarily consumed by linear TV viewers. This question was asked of both linear TV and streaming users.

Linear TV

lineares TV preferred channels

Among those who primarily watch linear TV, the following trends emerged:

  • 50% of respondents said they consume both public and private channels equally.
  • 45% favor public broadcasters.
  • 5% prefer private channels.

This shows a strong preference for public broadcasters, with a significant portion enjoying a balanced mix of both.

Streaming Services

Frequently used streaming services

Streaming users were also asked about their most frequently used services. The results show a clear preference for the major platforms:

  • 42.5% of respondents primarily use Netflix.
  • 18.75% use Live TV Streaming Services like Sling TV, Hulu Live, or YouTube TV.
  • 13.75% prefer Amazon Prime Video.

This highlights Netflix as the dominant streaming platform, with live TV services and Amazon Prime Video also holding notable shares.


The survey on TV viewing habits in the United States highlights a clear shift toward streaming. While linear TV remains popular with certain segments of the population, particularly for live events and news, streaming services are gaining ground—especially among younger viewers. Flexibility, the ability to skip ads, and access to a wide variety of content make platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video the preferred choice for many users.

For advertisers, this shift means that traditional TV advertising is becoming less effective as viewers either change the channel or use ad breaks for other activities. On the other hand, streaming services present an opportunity for more personalized, targeted advertising, though many users are willing to pay for ad-free experiences.

The results of this survey indicate that TV consumption in the US will continue to move in the direction of streaming, with linear television losing its dominance. Advertisers and media companies will need to adapt their strategies to align with these evolving viewing habits, ensuring they reach their audience effectively in both traditional and digital environments.

Use resonio for Your Market Research
Explore US TV Viewing Habits with resonio Gain valuable insights into the TV and streaming preferences of US audiences. Leverage resonio to make data-driven decisions for your advertising and media strategies. Learn more about the market research tool
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Ines Maione


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Ines Maione brings a wealth of experience from over 25 years as a Marketing Manager Communications in various industries. The best thing about the job is that it is both business management and creative. And it never gets boring, because with the rapid evolution of the media used and the development of marketing tools, you always have to stay up to date.